Ranger Holly

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For August

The view from my Airbnb in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 2016. Photo by Ranger Holly.

Seven years ago on August 1, I got a grasshopper tattooed to the top of my left foot where I would be guaranteed to see it every day.

This grasshopper is to remind me that I do not always have to be the responsible ant. I need to balance my life and be the carefree grasshopper as well. If you don’t know the story of the Grasshopper and the Ants, take a few minutes and watch the Disney cartoon now. It is an old story, but this cartoon was the way that I first came to know it.

August is often the point in the year by when I’ve gotten too serious and I need to shake off the past seven months. Regroup and give myself a breath of fresh air. August 2016 was an epic one for me as I took my first solo trip out of the country. It was amazing and challenging and I loved every minute of it, but was so glad to get home as well.

These past seven months of 2017 have not been what I expected or planned, which I know is the way life goes. I will be taking this month to heal and rebuild and gather my strength. Over the past seven years, my August ritual has been an important one for my growth and getting my wits about me to end the year strong.

Yesterday, I asked the Universe for a sign so big that I could not ignore the message. My sign came in the form of a beautiful beetle that pestered me throughout my lunch hour - buzzing in my ear and constantly flying around me - and then landed on me. Yes, I did freak out that a giant beetle landed on me, but then I went back to my office and looked up the meaning of beetles.

There has been a lot written about the topic, but some of the messages that beetles bring are about grounding yourself, speaking your truth and transformation. Essentially, the things I strive for daily but especially during August. The beetle was the perfect sign for me as I begin this month of grounding and transformation. I will post updates of what I am up to throughout the month. I have made some plans and left room for spontaneity as well - the perfect balance of grasshopper and ant.